Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ooh heyy 21!

Today is my birthday :)

Caroline and I have big plans! This entire week is birthday week, of course! Actually, today is my birthday, tomorrow is Caroline's birthday and Thrusday is our friend Copeland's birthday.
We have big plans for the week..

Yesterday, Caroline and I went into el centro (oldtown/"downtown") and went birthday shopping. We had to get new outfits to wear for the occasion! After that we came home to a yummy home cooked dinner and then crashed in bed and watched an english movie from itunes. So entertaining and "21" of us!

Today the celebrations begin! This morning we went to school a little bit earlier and had breakfast at the little cafe, chocolate filled croissants and cafe con leche (espresso w/milk)! After one quick class school was over..wohoo! Plans from here are to go home and soak up some sun and relax. Then we have lunch with our spanish family. After lunch we are heading into el centro to the Arabic Bathes aka the spa! We have booked a spa session with a series of different soaks and then a massage..mmmmm. We will head home from here and get ready for the big night! We are going out to dinner tonight. This one night of going out to dinner we are going to celebrate all three birthdays at a yummy Italian restuarant in el centro with homemade pasta. Can't wait! After this, we will behave ourselves don't worry mom and dad!

Wednesday morning, our first class was cancelled, that means no class until 12:15. What luck! Later that day we are going to celebrate Caroline's birthday some more. Also wednesday one of my best best girlfriends, Karla, arrives in town! Wednesday evening we are celebrating our birthday dinner with our spanish family. Can't wait to see what kind of yummy surprise Pacqui has in store. She was so excited when we told her that it was both of our birthdays this week. fiesta times two!

The celebrations continue into Thursday with Copelands bithday! and Karla here!

Friday we have no class because it is the beginning of our "Semana Santa" or Basically spring break/easter break vacation. Caroline and I along with Karla and her friends from Italy are going to go to Cadiz for the day. Cadiz is a beach town about an hour away from Sevilla. It will be a great way to start our Semana Santa vacation.

Saturday is tour day for Karla! I am going to do my best to show her around Sevilla a little bit for the day..by now i have plenty of experience!(we/she will be doing day trips thurs and fri)

And just to put the icing on the cake, Caroline, Kaleigh and I head off to London and the Canary Islands on Sunday. What a birthday :)

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